About IKUS Software

Innovating together for a safer, more productive future

Our Mission: Backup. Automate. Grow.

At IKUS Software, we believe that every business deserves to prosper through innovative technologies and customized solutions. We are dedicated to helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) protect their critical data and automate their processes.

Who are we?

IKUS Software is headed by Patrik Dufresne, a passionate solopreneur with over 18 years' experience in software development. We are committed to securing our customers' data by implementing robust and effective backup strategies, ensuring that sensitive information is protected against any risk of loss or technological failure. We also work closely with our customers to understand their specific needs and offer tailor-made solutions that enhance their productivity and competitiveness.

Our Values


We believe in the importance of continuous innovation to provide the best technological solutions.


Each company is unique, and we are committed to offering solutions that specifically meet our customers' needs.


We use free and open-source tools and actively contribute to several open-source projects to strengthen the community and foster collaborative innovation.


The security of our customers' data is our top priority. We implement robust solutions to guarantee the protection of sensitive information.

Our achievements

We're proud of our projects, which have transformed our customers' businesses.


Data backup software, used and deployed in over 12 countries, designed to protect sensitive and business-critical information. We are committed to deploying it in as many companies as possible in Quebec, offering a personalized service.


Software offering a web-based graphical interface for browsing and restoring data from a rdiff-backup. Rdiffweb acts as a user-friendly interface for rdiff-backup software, offering an intuitive experience for managing backups and restoring data.


Human resources planning software specially designed for manufacturing companies, suitable for production plants with between 50 and 250 employees in various industries such as food, wood, paper & board, printing and plastics.

Universal Database (UDB)

Currently under construction, this next-generation open-source solution is designed to optimize IP address management (IPAM) and improve configuration management of IT equipment on complex networks such as those in universities.


A tool that simplifies and speeds up the process of mass printing AutoCAD documents, enabling you to print hundreds of files in just a few minutes.

Why work with us?

  • Data security: We offer robust data backup solutions to protect your sensitive information against loss and technological failure.
  • Expertise: With extensive experience in software development, we have the skills to turn your ideas into effective solutions.
  • Process automation: We help SMEs automate their processes, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.
  • Open-source commitment: We use free and open-source tools and actively contribute to numerous open-source projects, reinforcing our commitment to community and continuous innovation.

Our vision

We aspire to be the partner of choice for SMEs seeking to improve their productivity and secure their data through innovative, customized technology solutions. Our aim is to make businesses more competitive and successful by integrating cutting-edge technologies and automating their processes.

Contact us

Ready to transform your business with customized solutions? Contact us today to discuss your needs and find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us